Residence Group I will include the following 26 countries and Residence Extra is not charged. A few plans like Limited payment endowment (Table 48), Jeevan Rekha (Table 152), New Jeevan Shree-I (Table 162), Jeevan Pramukh (Table 167), Bima Bachat ( Table 175), New Jeevan Dhara & New Jeevan Akshay are allowed
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Afghanistan | 14 | Liberia |
2 | Algeria | 15 | Macedonia |
3 | Burundi | 16 | Niger |
4 | Central African Republics | 17 | North Korea |
5 | Chad | 18 | Palestine |
6 | Chechen Republic | 19 | Rwanda |
7 | Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire); | 20 | Sierra Leone |
8 | Ethiopia | 21 | Somalia |
9 | Guinea | 22 | Sudan |
10 | Haiti | 23 | Tajikistan |
11 | Iraq | 24 | Venezuela - remote areas |
12 | Israel - West bank, Gaza,Jerusalem | 25 | Western Sahara |
13 | Ivory Coast | 26 | Yemen |
2. Residence Group II will include the following 37 countries and Residence Extra is not charged. A few plans like Limited payment endowment (Table 48), Jeevan Rekha (Table 152), New Jeevan Shree-I (Table 162), Jeevan Pramukh (Table 167), Bima Bachat ( Table 175), New Jeevan Dhara & New Jeevan Akshay are allowed.
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Albania | 20 | Madagascar |
2 | Angola | 21 | Mali |
3 | Azerbaijan | 22 | Montserrat |
4 | Belarus | 23 | Nigeria |
5 | Bosnia / Herzegovina | 24 | Panama |
6 | Casamance | 25 | Papua New Guinea |
7 | Colombia | 26 | Russia - other |
8 | Comoros Island | 27 | Senegal |
9 | Congo (Brazzaville) | 28 | Solomon Island |
10 | Egypt - (other than Cairo) | 29 | (except Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Durban) |
11 | El Salvador | 30 | Swaziland |
12 | Equatorial Guinea | 31 | Togo |
13 | Eritrea | 32 | Tanzania |
14 | Georgia | 33 | Uganda |
15 | Guatemala | 34 | Uzbekistan |
16 | Guinea - Bissau | 35 | Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo) |
17 | Indonesia - Other | 36 | Venezuela – Caracas |
18 | Iran | 37 | Zambia |
19 | Kyrgyzstan | 38 | Zimbabwe |
Residence Group III will include the following 6 countries and Residence Extra of Rs. 5 per thousand Sum Assured would be charged :
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Ecuador | 4 | Mongolia |
2 | Jamaica | 5 | Myanmar |
3 | Laos | 6 | Tibet |
Residence Group IV will include the following 17 countries and Residence Extra of Rs. 4 per thousand Sum Assured would be charged:
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Botswana | 10 | Libya |
2 | Cambodia | 11 | Malawi |
3 | Cameroon | 12 | Moldova |
4 | Djibouti | 13 | Mozambique |
5 | Gabon | 14 | Nicaragua |
6 | Ghana | 15 | Paraguay - remote areas |
7 | Honduras | 16 | Peru |
8 | Kazakhstan | 17 | Syria |
9 | Lesotho |
Residence Group V will include the following 7 countries and Residence Extra of Rs. 3 per thousand Sum Assured would be charged:
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Armenia | 5 | Philippines |
2 | Gambia | 6 | Turkmenistan |
3 | Israel - Tel Aviv | 7 | Ukraine |
4 | Lebanon |
Residence Group VI will include the following 8 countries and Residence Extra of Rs. 2 per thousand Sum Assured would be charged:
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Bolivia | 5 | Kenya |
2 | Bulgaria | 6 | Namibia |
3 | China (except Beijing & Shanghai) | 7 | Vietnam |
4 | Indonesia-Major Cities | 8 | Venezuela -Caracas |
Residence Group VII will include the following 18 countries and Residence Extra of Re. 1 per thousand Sum Assured would be charged:
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Argentina | 10 | Guyana |
2 | Benin | 11 | Mauritania |
3 | Brazil | 12 | Micronesia |
4 | Brunei | 13 | Paraguay - Ascunsion |
5 | Burkina Faso | 14 | Russia - Major Cities |
6 | Costa Rica | 15 | Suriname |
7 | Croatia | 16 | Tonga - Nuku'alofa |
8 | Cuba | 17 | Tunisia |
9 | Dominican Republic | 18 | Turkey |
Residence Group VIII will include the following 56 countries and no Residence Extra is charged.
Countries | Countries | ||
1 | Australia | 29 | Luxemburg |
2 | Austria | 30 | Malaysia- Kuala,Lumpur |
3 | Bahamas | 31 | Maldives |
4 | Bahrain | 32 | Mauritius |
5 | Bangladesh | 33 | Mexico |
6 | Barbados | 34 | Nepal |
7 | Belgium | 35 | Netherland |
8 | Belize | 36 | New Zealand |
9 | Bhutan | 37 | Norway |
10 | Canada | 38 | Oman |
11 | Chile | 39 | Poland |
12 | China - Beijing & Shanghai | 40 | Portugal |
13 | Cyprus | 41 | Qatar |
14 | Denmark | 42 | Romania |
15 | Egypt - Cairo only | 43 | Saudi Arabia |
16 | Fiji | 44 | Seychelles |
17 | Finland | 45 | Singapore |
18 | France | 46 | South Africa (Cape Town, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Durban) |
19 | Germany | 47 | South Korea |
20 | Gibraltar | 48 | Spain |
21 | Greece | 49 | Sri Lanka |
22 | Hong Kong | 50 | Sweden |
23 | Hungary | 51 | Switzerland |
24 | Ireland | 52 | Taiwan |
25 | Italy | 53 | Thailand - only Bangkok |
26 | Japan | 54 | UAE |
27 | Jordan | 55 | UK |
28 | Kuwait | 56 | USA |
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